trusted seller

  • 1997

    Incorporated with a 10,000 MTPA initial installed capacity
  • 2003

    Raises the production capacity to 40,000 MTPA by installing a new boiler and a 0.75 MW turbine to suit the plant's power needs.
  • 2006

    A public limited company was formed from Kunal Calcium Private Limited.
  • 2007

    The production capacity should be increased to 50,000 MTPA.
  • 2010

    Reach a 60000 MTPA production capacity increase.
  • 2017

    Adding a new plant to produce "Grounded Calcium Carbonate" by setting up two rolling mills with a 25000 MTPA starting output capacity
  • 2019

    Increases the capacity of precipitated calcium carbonate production to 75,000 MTPA by installing a new boiler and a 2.00 MW turbine to suit the plant's power needs. Additionally, 36 roller mills-the first in India-have been put into service to increase the GCC's production capacity to 75,000 MTPA. Additionally, equipment for coated ground calcium carbonate has been constructed on the property, increasing production capacity even more.

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